Your Challenge
You are crushing it. You've built and grown your business faster and more successfully than you ever imagined. Some days you think, "Wow, did I really get us this far?" But at the same time, you have been thinking a lot lately - what got you to this point, is likely not going to get you or your company to the next level.
You know you need help to get to the next level. But do you need an advisor or consultant to help you figure out your next best strategic moves? Or maybe it's time to invest in an executive coach that can push you and your leadership skills to the next level? Some days, you simply want a shoulder to lean on - a partner in crime (let's be honest, it can be lonely in the top spot!)
The Good News
You can have it all.
I'm not an Executive Coach, I'm a Business Coach. I know how lonely it is to be an executive. And while Executive Coaching can be helpful, I know that CEOs need a little of that and a little of been-there-done-that advice...someone who's been in similar "Trenches."
You need a leadership "partner-in-crime." Someone who can help you work through your business and personal leadership goals all at the same time, which will in turn catapult the success of your company.
You need someone by your side that will help you raise the vibrational frequency of your company by working with you to make small adjustments that propels everyone forward - your team, your customers, and your investors.

How Do I Know Anything About Anything?
I was you. Well, not you exactly you of course. In 2016 I was tapped to be the CEO of a company that had approx. 1,000 employees, $2bn assets under management, and bringing in revenue well in the 9-digits.
But the company was struggling. Big time. Coming off of several years of operational issues and flat year-over-year earnings, many people were questioning the company and its future.
In just under three years leading the company, I led a massive turnaround, tripling earnings over those three years (yes, 300% growth!) At the same time, and not coincidentally, our employee engagement scores across all indices skyrocketed.
The Playbook
There is no cookie cutter playbook. But the GREAT news is that there is a secret sauce...authenticity. Yep, it's so simple that some people may just "x" right out of here.
But for those of you that stayed, I am dead-serious when I tell you that creating more of who you are - exploiting your unique, authentic self - will make you zoom past so many other leaders out there.
Why? Because people - employees, customers, and yes, investors too - are yearning for a leader that is real, humble, charismatic, and most importantly, that can stick out from the pack. People are also looking for the same in the companies they buy from. We'll work on both.
I am here to make sure you and your company sticks out from the pack.

Why Me?
There are thousands of "Executive Coaches" out there. They all likely have more formal coaching training or HR experience. But they don't have my unique superpower - actual experience leading a company that probably looks a lot like yours (+ they also likely don't have a straight-shooting, authentic, no-BS approach.)
Said another way, if you're looking for an executive coach that will take a methodical approach to your coaching, I'm just not your person. But if you're looking for a business coach who will give you real, practical, and super simple adjustments that will make you the positive talk of water coolers everywhere, then I cannot wait to work with you.
How Does Coach-sulting Work?
Generally we meet for 90-minute calls every two weeks. This allows us to have a solid amount of time to slow down, talk, think, pause and experience breakthroughs. In between our formal sessions, I am available via email and text anytime. Often times, I also might send you a podcast, article or movie that I recommend based on our discussions.
If there is a need for additional support - e.g. attending client meetings or calls, etc. - I'll work with you to develop a custom arrangement to ensure I fully meet your needs.
What I Ask Of You
Our time together can - and likely will be - transformational. In order to reach our highest selves, I ask the following from you:
Bring an open mind. Our sessions will be most effective if you are willing to let your mind wander, semi-aimlessly, in a way you likely don’t let it in your everyday life.
Be vulnerable. I know, this can be a tough one. This doesn’t mean you have to break down in tears. This simply means that the more willing you are to open up about things that may feel a bit uncomfortable, the further you will go. As Brene Brown once said, “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.”
Use me. I'm here to be your sidekick, sounding board and resource in any way you need it most. No reach-out or question is out-of-bounds.
Challenge and inspire me…too. Inspiration is a circular reference. I don’t know everything. I may push you to think in a way that ultimately isn’t right for you. Or you may have heard and learned great things that I haven’t yet grasped

"I saw Erin speak at a conference. I wasn’t necessarily looking for a CEO coach, but felt drawn to connect with her. After a few conversations, I decided to give this whole CEO coaching thing a try. The biggest perk of working with Erin is that she slows me down, challenges how I’m looking at things, and pushes me outside of my comfort zone. She has a unique ability to talk strategy and business while keeping the foundational aspects of authentic leadership at the forefront. I’ve become a better leader, better businesswoman and a better person. I highly recommend working with Erin!"
Hilarie Aitken
CEO, Navia Benefit Solutions

"We hired Erin as a strategic advisor, but what we've gotten is so much more. Erin brings a unique and intangible energy and perspective as both a strategist and coach. For example, a very personal experience drove me to start Telespine. While our internal team found inspiration in my story and mission, no one outside our organization knew anything about it. Erin helped me understand the power of telling my story in a way that not only moved people, but inspired decision makers to choose us from our competition. Working with Erin has helped propel our business to a new level of growth."
Dr. Mark Barnes
CEO & Founder, Telespine

“Two years after seeing Erin speak on a panel and thinking, 'We need some of THAT in our organization’ I was thrilled to kick off a coaching and consulting relationship last year. As a first-time President, Erin helps and challenges me to realize that being my authentic self was enough to get me here and will be enough to get us where we need to go. Her perspective of having been in many of the situations that I’m now going through helps me to make the right calls with more speed. She holds me accountable to showing up for my team, my family, and myself.”
Geoff Matous
President, Convexity Scientific

"I met Erin when she was in her former CEO job at one of the largest insurance companies in the world. I'll be honest, as soon as we learned she had launched her own firm, we immediately recruited her to work with us. Erin brings a unique perspective to the business side of healthcare, payments, and fintech. She also knows how to uniquely position a business to its customers and investors. Erin is a master at ensuring you're thinking about both the big picture as well as the small and critical details as you build your business. She also brings an incredible energy to everything she does."
Brent Ho-Young
CEO, Dream Payments
I'm Curious - What Now?
I want to hear more about your dreams and your challenges!
Click below to easily schedule a Coaching Discovery Call, so we can meet like humans (well, semi-human - over Zoom) and explore if we're the right fit for each other.